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Reparenting the Wounded ChildMany clients
tell me during intake,
“I think I have a split personality. I am fine one minute, but then in
the blink of an eye I can get really crazy.”
After completing the intake questions, I usually end up saying,
“You don’t have a split
personality. You have an Adult and a Wounded Child.” I then go on to
explain that the Adult is a
metaphor for the part of the brain that is rational, lives in the
present moment, and sees things as they are, right
childhood wounds can fester in the background until a stimulus in
the present moment “brushes up against them,” releasing a flood of
repressed emotional pain that can instantly turn your rational Adult
into an intensely emotional and irrational WC.
For example, if you were
verbally abused and relentlessly criticized as a child by a parent or
bully and then 20 years later your spouse says
“Honey, I think you hung the
picture off center a bit,” which reminds your WC of being painfully
criticized in childhood, you can instantly become flooded with emotional
pain, and then erupt into intense anger, fear, or shame, which seems to
come out of nowhere, but it doesn’t. It comes from your WC. So, how and why does this happen? Well, there’s a part of your brain called the brain stem, which is responsible for “keeping the car running” – respiration, heartbeat, etc. – but also for the fight-or-flight reaction, a helpful system that protects us by quickly recognizing danger and then immediately shifting our bodies into overdrive to deal with it. The brain stem does this in conjunction with the amygdala, another part of the brain that, when triggered, becomes supercharged to race through our memory files to identify the current threat based on our memories of past painful events. Interestingly, the brain stem fight-or-flight mode is hundreds of millions of years old – even lizards have a brain stem – so it is entirely a knee jerk reaction. It is incapable of recognizing obvious facts such as that I am now a powerful adult, not a powerless child, or that the cologne I now smell is worn by my loving spouse, not by the person who abused me wearing the same cologne when I was six. The brain stem/amygdala fight-or-flight reaction is automatic. It searches for anything that in any way reminds it of painful situations in the past, and then immediately goes into fight or flight mode, which is a very intense emotional state that changes the way our brain and body work for a short period of time in order to deal with the perceived threat. So, we need this fight or flight system for survival, but sometimes it causes problems, particularly if we were significantly wounded in childhood, because it can’t separate past pain from present reality. Below is Carl's 4-minute YouTube video, "Inner Child Therapy: Reparenting the Inner Child":
If you were
traumatized as a child and did not receive adult help to heal the
wounds, then most likely you are carrying around repressed or suppressed
memories and festering wounds that can be triggered at any moment by
current stimuli, which then hurl you into fight or flight mode and
literally take you back to the emotional, body, and thinking states of
when the trauma occurred. Thus, in essence, you become that little child
again, but in an adult body and in a current situation that most likely
is significantly different from the one in which you were hurt. In fact,
you literally go into a trance state - a WC trance - during which you
feel small and powerless, and since it feels so real, it can
significantly distort your normal Adult perception of what is actually
happening in the present moment. Using the example above, the WC feels
like the spouse’s comment that the picture is not centered will
immediately lead to intense emotional pain and even abuse, hence the
fight-or-flight knee jerk reaction of fear and anger, when in reality
the spouse is simply trying to help hang a picture correctly on a wall.
There is no threat, and yet the WC's mind and body are screaming that
there is, hence, the over-reaction.
Since WC reactions tend to be over-reactions – seeing threat where there is none – you react in ways that are irrational, which is confusing to you and others. You feel out of control and bad about yourself for over-reacting, so you condemn yourself (and your WC), which only increases your sense of shame and isolation. After all, when growing up, the WC longed for love, acceptance, nurturance, and protection, and it still does. Thus, to heal yourself and become whole, you must bridge the gulf that separates the Adult from the WC, and to do this, your Adult must embrace your WC, which is called “reparenting the WC.” How can you
reparent your WC? Imagine you have a daughter (or maybe you do) who
is panicky, angry, or just feeling bad about herself from being bullied
at school. How would you as her parent try to help? Would you call her a
failure and a worthless person and tell her that no one could ever love
her? Would you be harshly impatient with her, rejecting of her, and
condemning of her? Would you ignore her needs and feelings and tell her
that she was stupid or selfish for having them?
I doubt it, and yet many of us
who were wounded in childhood do exactly that to ourselves. We treat our
WC in ways we would never dream of treating another human being.
the WC means learning to love, nurture, protect, and set healthy
limits with your WC. It means learning to “own” the wounds that
encompass your WC and healing them in exactly the same way you would if
you had an upset son under your parental care - unconditionally loving
your child, supporting him, protecting him, and nurturing him to work
through his pain and grow from it, but also setting limits on any
unhealthy impulses he may want to act out, like throwing temper
tantrums, verbally abusing others, or beating up on self. If you want to
see an excellent movie about reparenting the WC, then watch
The Kid (2000), starring
Bruce Willis. Here is a common situation: You are driving the car that is your life with the Adult in driver’s seat and the WC in the back seat safely secured with a seatbelt. Suddenly a stimulus (for example, someone gets angry at you) triggers the WC’s pain and then, in an instant, the WC erupts and climbs into the front seat, throws the Adult aside, and screams “I’m driving this car now!” Then the WC desperately tries to manage the current situation, which she perceives as highly threatening, but most likely is not. As a result of this WC trance, she views the situation completely in black or white terms, blinded by the intense emotions triggered by past reminders of pain, often resulting in over-reaction and bad decisions. The simple fact is that the WC is too young to drive. She reacts from the maturity level of an eight-year-old’s comprehension of the world, completely based on past memories of pain rather than on an accurate perception of the present circumstances. So, the keys
to recovery are: 1) learning to recognize when the WC trance is
triggered and 2) learning how to
calm yourself down and get the Adult back in the driver’s seat and the
WC in the back seat where she belongs. But in this process you must
learn how to manage your precious WC in a loving but firm way - just as
any good parent would do.
Sadly, if your childhood caretakers were unable to parent you in a way that met most of your needs, then the only option left for your Adult is to reparent your WC now. No one else can do this for you. You may try to put others in the role of reparenting your WC – a boyfriend, wife, friend, or therapist - or even continue going back to your biological parents begging them for what they can't give you, but once you are an adult, no one can do this for you. The only effective option is for your Adult to learn to reparent your WC. Here is a poem that reflects this truth: My Child Within I found my child within today,
For many years so locked
Loving, embracing,
needing so much,
If only I could reach in
and touch.
I did not know this child
of mine,
We were never acquainted
at three or nine,
But today I felt the
crying inside,
here, I
shouted, come reside.
We hugged each other ever
so tight,
As feelings emerged of
hurt and fright.
It's okay, I sobbed, I
love you so!
You are precious to me, I
want you to know.
My child, my child, you
are safe today,
You will not be
abandoned, I'm here to stay. We laughed, we cried, it was a discovery, This warm loving child is my recovery. By Kathleen Algoe The most important relationship you will change on your path to recovery is your relationship with yourself. As the poem suggests, if you can develop a loving, nurturing, and protective relationship with your WC, then healing and growth will naturally follow because “this warm, loving child” is your recovery. Online therapy can help. |
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"Our very life depends on
everything's recurring till we answer from within."
Robert Frost |